Ben (Brother)
Julianne (Step Sister)
Heather (Step Sister)
Nathan (Step Brother)
Ashley (Step Sister)
Noah (Half Brother)
Brian (Half Brother)
Krystal (Half Sister)
Traci (Half Sister)
As much as I would love to write a letter to every single one, I am going to just write to Ben, he was the sibling that I grew up with and fought when we were kids...etc here ya go!
Dear Ben,
Growing up, I hated you...I am pretty sure it's a written law that you are supposed to hate or truly dislike your siblings growing up, some people get along with their siblings and we didn't want to kill each other 24/7 we did fight a decent amount. As we got older I started to think maybe you weren't so bad to have around and now I'm really going to miss you when you move to Texas! I sure know Avery is going to! I am glad that I was adopted into our family and that we were able to be brother and sister. We do have some wonderful memories growing up and I am so glad my boys will have such an awesome Uncle like yourself. I was so proud watching you wrestle in high school and now your in the Army and thriving so well in that. I am proud you got your college degree and now moving up in the world! Congrats everything I am so proud of you!
Love your sister

What part of Texas are you moving to? We're about 40 minutes north east of Dallas...
My brother is moving to Texas I am still in Utah he's going to Kileen? The Army Base out there
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