Well looks like we are going to have Avery's 5th Birthday Party at Chucky Cheese's the end of March. My big mouth said something about it to my Mom a few weeks back and Avery was listening and well ever since then anyone he talks to he tells them we are having his Birthday Party at Chucky Cheese's! He's all sorts of excited about it. So even though I know it's not for a few months I decided to contact them and book it now just so I can get the date I want....blah! I was really surprised on how much it costs! I was talking to my Dad about it and he said well you can't back out of it now and laughed cause he knew how annoyed I am with the cost of it. It's really not that bad of a price so I can't complain to much I know he will LOVE it and will be something he will remember forever so I got to remember the good that will come out of it besides not having to clean my house for 3 days only to have it destroyed in 2 seconds flat. I just worry about the stupid person in the mouse costume bothering me...I hate people in costumes it just creeps me out! Sigh....Remember it's for a good cause.....More to come on when the party is etc etc....