Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I know...I'm so Lucky!!
I know your all Jealous and you all want to work where I do...
Me & The Hubby

Monday, July 19, 2010
New Job.....
- Snot Catcher
- Personal Chef
- Teacher
- Stylist
- Housekeeper
- Personal Shopper
- Transportation Specialist
- Nurse
- Laundress
- Caregiver
- Gardner
- Accountant
- Social Coordinator
Sounds like alot of work doesn't it? Yes it does...and I would do ANYTHING to be able to have this job. The official title would be a full time Stay At Home Mom.....on the record I would never get "paid" in dollars but the rewards would be priceless! I want this job more than anything but I can't have it...well I can't have it full time. I have this job on the side...something I "get" to do after my full time job (which I LOVE...haha NOT) it's depressing because it's something I want so badly and yet I can't have it. I know there are no benefits but the rewards are endless...Someone told me if I want it bad enough it will happen. Problem is all the reasoning I do it still comes back to the same ending....I can't quit my makes me beyond depressed. I wish I just could win the lottery, I don't need millions and millions just enough to allow us to let me stay at home! Sigh........I mean who wouldn't want to be with these babies all day long?!?