Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35

Came into work this morning to discover that the Boss's office was turning into a swimming pool. The janitor's closet from upstairs had a running hose going all night long....awesome right? I sent said boss (and also great long time friend) Ruben a text message that he MIGHT want to bring in his speedo to work if he wanted to work in his office.....he was less than pleased. Thankfully the water didn't touch his desk at ALL it went around the desk, he was very lucky indeed. We teased him of course but glad it didn't do any serious damage, however the fans to dry out the carpet was more annoying than anything!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34

YA! Nothing like a crap ton of work emails to do on a Friday Morning! BLAH!

Friday Confessionals


I Confess...................................

I just wrote a huge long story as to why I am having a difficult season this Tax Season at work but cleared it all out because I wrote some pretty honest things and I know co-workers read my blog and I really didn't want Drama started up. Cause what I wrote could/would cause some. It was the honest truth but I really don't care for the unneeded drama right now. Let's just say I am having a difficult season and I have shed enough tears that I will NOT be back next year. Which is sad because I love my job and who I work with. (Most of them)

I Confess...................................

I am having a meeting later this morning with my manager and my boss. I have prayed this week that it will go ok. That I will come out of it feeling better and not worse. That I will want to return next year and continue to love doing what I do.

I Confess....................................

I am REALLY REALLY, like REALLY excited for Mamarazzi's Favorite Swap! With all the drama with work it's something I REALLY need. I need to look forward to something. I have been in a slump and I really need not to be and giving me an excuse to go shopping, is like any girl's dream :)

I Confess....................................

I am already thinking of ideas, and I can't wait to get going. I have a few ideas of what I want to do but I need to write them down so I have a budget cause if I don't I'll go hog wild.

I Confess...................................

I really miss my babies already and they are home asleep still! Evan is teething so he's got a fever and cranky. I feel bad because I just want to cuddle with him! I hate it when they going through this. It just sucks.

I Confess...............................

I was so happy this morning when I was able to put on not 1 but all 3 of my rings this morning! Since being pregnant this go around my fingers have been way more puffy than ever! Normally I can't wear my middle ring finger and some days it's been none! I hate it, I feel naked without them. I was super happy that I am wearing all 3! Yay!!!!!!

I Confess...............................

There is not enough caffeine in this state to keep me awake! I am awake but if I got even within the same city as my bed I would be OUT like a light within 2 minutes.

Favorite Swap! Eeek!


Mamarazzi is at it again! I'm sooooooooooooo very excited! I can't remember the last time I did a swap! Yay times like 10,000! It's something I really need right now. I am so super duper excited. I can't wait! This is going to be so much fun! I know a few ladies that are doing it! Yay and such!!! Are you signing up? It's so much fun! I have met some pretty awesome ladies in the process. Mamarazzi does such a wonderful job setting people up. It's like a gift :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33

This is what I made for dinner the other night. I LOVE these plates (they are the kids that I got from Wally World) They seperate your food, so that your food doesn't touch each other! Yes I am one of "those" people. Some foods are ok to touch one each other. Like these foods are ok if they did. But for an example, eggs and syrup? NOT ok. Or fruits and mash NOT's ok that I'm odd, I'm use to it by now!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We Want To Know Wednesdays!


{1} Fantasy style, money is no object, if you could pick one type of help which would it be? Why?
A. maid
B. nanny
C. personal chef
{2} What is your least favorite household chore?
{3} What is your least loathed (or favorite) household task/ daily chore?
{4} What is your favorite cleaning supply? Do you have any magic cleaning tips to share with your readers?
{5} What is your usual housework avoidance activity? Besides playing along and linking up with the fabulous Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama for we want to know Wednesday?

{1} Fantasy style, money is no object, if you could pick one type of help which would it be? Why?
A. maid
B. nanny
C. personal chef

Honestly I would choose a Maid for once every month to come in and do a deep clean of the carpets, clean the baseboards and all the other once in a while deep cleaning cream I am not tall enough or have the desire to clean. I don't want a Nanny, I want to raise my kids not have someone else raise them. And I like my cooking! So there ya go.......a Maid for the major nasty cleaning!

{2} What is your least favorite household chore?

Laundry Hands DOWN! Not the washing but the folding and putting away. I am proud to say that I have the laundry done for the week already! Yay!!!!!!!

{3} What is your least loathed (or favorite) household task/ daily chore?

Cleaning the cat box.............blah...........but I hate going near the cat box and being able to smell it.......that drives me insane!

{4} What is your favorite cleaning supply? Do you have any magic cleaning tips to share with your readers?

No tips but I love the Windex all purpose cleaner and the colorox all purpose cleaner love both so much! I love the smell of a clean house!

{5} What is your usual housework avoidance activity? Besides playing along and linking up with the fabulous Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama for we want to know Wednesday?

Facebook of course! That or taking a nap as of late :)

Day 32

First picture is the shots and medicine. Below is a picture of me after said shot. Mmmmm Jello shot (haha did I really just type that?) snack pack...goodness for a prize! Yummy! It wasn't to bad other than I forgot how bad it stings. Even worse towards the end my poor skin turns into Rhino Skin at that point I will just have the nurses do it for me since I will be in there weekly anyways. 1 down only 20 more to go!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31

Richard was complaining that our can opener we have now sucks when it comes to opening Tuna Fish cans. So just for him I bought him one for Tuna Fish. He is super excited! Who knew a $1.97 can opener from Walmart would make him so happy? Maybe I should have gotten him this for Christmas!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30

Awwwww so pretty! This was given to me by my awesome friend Alyssa. She got it as the dollar store. It operates from solar power. It will wiggle when it's in the sun. I LOVE IT! Ahhhh yes I am 31 (really!?! No...I'm not THAT OLD) going on 32 and yes I do enjoy the simple things in life!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29

I've been on a Root Beer kick lately. I can thank my Mother for that. The other week when we went Bowling she ordered pizza and Root Beer while we played and I have been hooked ever since. Mmmmmmmmm Root Beer! Oh how I love thee!

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