Avery's tooth (the tooth next to the one he lost in December) has been loose for at least 3-4 weeks, figured it would come out when it would and wasn't to worried about it, I looked at the tooth today and noticed in the back his new tooth was coming through and looked like it could start to hurt him for as far back it was in his mouth and when I wiggled the "old" tooth it was still the same. So I showed Richard and we decided to pull it out, he was quite brave and after I pulled it out I realized that the bottom part of the tooth in the front was still there (the under part below the gum). So it was a good thing because the front part wasn't "ready" to come out! I gave Avery something for the pain (more to just easy his mind) and then for a gift for being so brave he got to eat Burger King for dinner! He was OK after the thought of a kids meal! Here's the brave kid...with a smile no less!