I Confess.........I haven't done this in a while! But I'm back Baby!!!!!!!!!!!
I Confess.........I am really excited for the up coming colors swap! It's going to be SOO much fun!
I Confess.................My stomach is really hurting today and I just want to crawl back into bed but with 2 kids it's pretty much impossible /sigh
I Confess...........My new favorite song is Apologize by One Repblic & Timberland. I tried to link the youtube video but my desktop doesn't like to let me do anything on my blog.........stupid blog!
I Confess...........I really want a tablet, I would LOVE apple Pad but they are WAY to expensive for me at this moment...boooooo
I Confess..........My oldest child thinks it's ok to Lie and try to get away with it, it's a shame he doesn't know how to lie better because he fails at that, what would be better would not to lie period!
I Confess..........Evan is walking, and I'm excited for him but that means he's just one step closer to no longer being my baby :(