Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Confessionals 7.19.13


I Confess that there is always two sides to a story. I would LOVE to see the other side of the story! So until then I go off what I do know that has been placed in front of me. 

Example 1 We take Grandpa up to his trailer to get a new tire for his truck. Cousin Zoe & Robbie joined in with me and Robert. It was a 45 min drive up and drive back (no biggie) I had no plans to go camping that night therefore I had no camping gear with me. Avery had asked me if he could go with Grandpa and go camping with his cousins. I thought it was fine but Grandpa made up some excuse he needed to go home and find his Dad first. I am quite use to my kids being pushed over so that the other kids can go. But when we go into our car to head out Avery said as we were on our way, Mom......Why doesn't Papa like me around him? The next night (Friday) we went up to the camping site to wish Richard's Grandpa a happy 40 years with the school district. I had no plans on staying the night (Richard wasn't there) and The people I was with had to work in the morning. Avery came up to me again asking me if he could spend the night again. I asked Grandpa if it would be ok and he said to talk to Grandma. Her response was "I suppose" (wait a minute, you have 3 of 4 kids here with NO Kevin, all I am asking is 1 child? and it's a huge burrden to you? She acted very put out that I asked her in the first place! 

I Confess........That wasn't a confess more of a vent........but I still not sure what to do. These are recent ones I have several others were they treat my kids like ignored kids. Any suggestions as to what to do?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

WWTKW! 7.17.13

Incognitus Scriptor

1. Please follow both of the hosts: Myself and Kenzie
2. Include the super cute button in your post (grab the code above)
3. Link-up and spread the word
4. Don’t forget to have fun!
Sorry I posted so late! I had a training session all morning and then I got back to my office to a bunch of things to do. I’m a bad hostess today!
Answer these as best you can:
1. What one food could you, from here on out, never eat again and be totally fine with?
2. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
3. What little things irk you?
4. When was the last time you did something purposely and solely for yourself?

5. Tell us about a time something lived up to your expectations.
1. What one food could you, from here on out, never eat again and be totally fine with?
I know everyone loves them but I can't stand them. YUCK. I am a texture person so the thought of all that squishiness in my mouth makes me want to hurl!
 2. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Deaf.....Kids screaming, wha???
3. What little things irk you?
Screaming kids in Walmart (seriously control your kids) people who ignore your kids but take the other grandkids all the time (seriously I have GREAT KIDS!) People who ignore the fact that you are married (me or Richard) & want to do more than just chatting (really?) people who smack their gum in public & people who lie to me!!!!! 
4. When was the last time you did something purposely and solely for yourself?
Ummmmmmm Last Saturday I had a free morning and I mowed the lawn (yup I had no kids or husband and I mow the lawn, HOW LAME AM I!?!) then I got dolled up and went to lunch with the hubby
5. Tell us about a time something lived up to your expectations.
Currently working on that! I will post once I have accomplished it! It's in the works, baby!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 7.17.13

Aweeeeeee Someone love their Daddy! She had just woken up for the day! Love this picture!
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