Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We Want To Know Wednesdays!


The Awesome Hosts Mamarazzi & Alicia Aka Queso

{1} What is one thing (food or drink) that you MUST have everyday?
{2} What is your "go to" food when you don't feel well/need comfort?
{3} Is there a dish that you make that people request when they visit your home/a family favorite?
{4} What are 3 foods you have TRIED, do not like and will NEVER eat again?
and our final question comes from Dee@ HomesickCajun
{5} What's one thing that you love to eat that most people would think is weird and/or gross??

{1} What is one thing (food or drink) that you MUST have everyday?

I go through phases right now it's Diet Coke and Special K chips they are both like crack! I however don't load up on either one because I would do nothing but eat/drink both all day long!

{2} What is your "go to" food when you don't feel well/need comfort?

Ummmm I don't have a certain food just something that looks good to me at the moment, drink wise probably say a diet coke

{3} Is there a dish that you make that people request when they visit your home/a family favorite?

My Tuna Pasta, it's SOOOOOO yummy! I will have to post the recipe on it later

{4} What are 3 foods you have TRIED, do not like and will NEVER eat again?

Bell Peppers

yes I know I'm picky, but YOUR not feeding me so don't worry I still eat my veggies every day

{5} What's one thing that you love to eat that most people would think is weird and/or gross??

I'm picky so therefore I don't eat anything gross but I will open up a can of Green Beans heat them up and eat them as a meal they are just so good!

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

i have been known to eat a bag of frozen broccoli from time to time.

yuck mushrooms...yuck!!

thanks for linking up!

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