Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 210

Today we went up to the farm to spend some time with Richard's older brother Robert (Robbie) and his daughter Zoe and his nephew Angel. We went to the Preston parade and then the carnival. The kids had a blast. We discovered that Evan LOVES the roller coaster rides! They stayed up WAY to late but had a great time with cousin Zoe who they don't get to spend nearly as much time with. 

The kids waiting for the candy to come 
 A view of kids and brothers 
 Uncle Robbie holding Miss Alice
 Avery & Evan on their first ride 
 Richard, Robbie & Angel 
 Miss Zoe!
 Kids on the roller coaster
 Love Evan's Face!
 Riding the spaceship ride, Evan loved every moment!
 Zoe & Toby (they are 5 months apart in age, Zoe older)

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