Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We Want To Know Wednesdays!

Welcome to We Want to Know Wednesdays Q&A
Hosted by Mamarazzi and Crazymama


I, Crazymama, just got back from the grocery store, where i was shopping while hungry.  we all know THAT is never a good idea. add that to some weird cravings i've been having and you get these questions...

{1} walking down the cookie aisle at the store, what do you pick?
{2} would you rather eat chips or crackers? which kind?
{3} what kind of pickles do you like?
{4} what is your favorite candy? 
{5} marycate @ wants to know about your beverage preference.
Coke Or Pepsi? Diet Drinkers?

Here are MY answers!

{1} walking down the cookie aisle at the store, what do you pick?

I love my the mini chips ahoy's! LOVE them! I try not to get them because I will eat all of them within a few days! Curses!

{2} would you rather eat chips or crackers? which kind?

Crackers! I am not a chips fan. Not sure why just am not. I love wheat thins or graham crackers! My all time favorite are some from Costco that are rice crackers LOVE!!!!!!!!! I will eat way to many of them in one sitting. I will post a picture of them when I go to costco next!

{3} what kind of pickles do you like?

The kind that don't taste like pickles at all? Yeah NOT a fan at ALL! YUCK

{4} what is your favorite candy? 

Currently salt water taffy! I love all candy pretty much!!!!! Argh and I wonder why I can't lose my baby fat!?!! Ha!

{5} marycate @ wants to know about your beverage preference.
Coke Or Pepsi? Diet Drinkers?
I am a huge fan of Diet Coke! I just LOVE that stuff! 


Crazymamaof6 said...

Awesome answers. Glad you linked up this week. Thanks for the question.

Graham crackers are good.

Jo said...

You are going to think I was born & raised under a rock but what is salt water taffy? (not a rock but South Africa & Belgium).

Mary said...

Thanks for using my question Crazy Mama! And Jo! It's such YUMMY candy! Seriously! I need to send you some to try!!!!!! Seriously! Email me your address and I will send you some! You will be in LOVE!

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