Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We Want To Know Wednesdays!


Mamarazzi and Crazymama Hosts We Want To Know Wednesdays! 

As you may know Crazymama had a few weeks of bed rest and a miscarriage leading to two surgeries She is on the mend but it all left her wondering how others deal with illness/ medical drama. So here are Crazymama's questions for this week:

1. If you are sick in bed how do you entertain yourself? TV, books, sleep?
2. Do you share your medical drama with the world or keep it to yourself?
3. Do you pray, send healing thoughts & hugs or good vibes to friends when they are ill or sad?
4. If someone offers to bring in dinner to you or your family, do you let them?
5. If you could ask for any meal or treat when you were sick/sad/healing, what would it be? 

Here are My Answers! 

1. If you are sick in bed how do you entertain yourself? TV, books, sleep?

SLEEP! If I am sick enough to be bed ridden I sleep, like a lot! That and veg with watching TV

2. Do you share your medical drama with the world or keep it to yourself?

It depends on why I am stuck in bed. When I was on bed rest with the kids then yes I would usually but when I was having my gallbladder (or lack of) issues I didn't really post because people don't understand the whole issue, LONG story short? I have problems with my non existent Gallbladder for 9 years now. It was taken out 8 years ago but I have phantom pain and will give me "attacks" randomly. It's horrible pain and after SEVERAL years and doctors and tests they say it's phantom pain and to just deal with it.......yeah it's awesome. The pain gets so intense that it will send me up to the ER at least once a year (knock on wood) did I mention it's awesome?

3. Do you pray, send healing thoughts & hugs or good vibes to friends when they are ill or sad?

Very much so. If I can't offer face to face comfort I try to offer any comfort at all. I don't like to see any of my friends in any type of pain! 

4. If someone offers to bring in dinner to you or your family, do you let them?

When that happen's I will let you know! 

5. If you could ask for any meal or treat when you were sick/sad/healing, what would it be? 

Chicken Noodle Soup and Crackers! It's just good for the body and soul!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Sorry to hear about your gallbladder issues ... being in pain is never fun.

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