Saturday, June 13, 2009

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie........

I'm sure you have read the book "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" That's how I feel my life is at the moment! I started on one project and now I want to do something else which in turn will make me want to do another project, and so forth, kinda like a snowball effect going downhill! Last weekend we painted the office and our bedroom (office the brown and our room the blue) and I LOVE IT! We also had Richards Dad & brother come over and help put in a new tub/shower combo and take out our old tub, and now we are going to put in new flooring in our bathroom. The flooring in our kitchen, hallway and bathroom is all the same so once we start in the bathroom we might as well go through the rest and get everything new! I have had the boys all week, we take them back up to Idaho on Sunday, tear...I'm going to miss them this week!

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