Stole this from Lexi blog...yup I'm late as well..deal!!! & Don't you just LOVE this picture of me? This was taken while I was working at AOL taken either late 2003 or early 2004.
1. What were your New Years plans?
Seeing how I was 6 months preggers, not a ton, plus we have children's so after we put them to bed we sat and watching a movie until 5 minutes before the countdown and switch to watch the ball drop in NYC.
2. What was great about this past year?
Getting married & finding out I was preggers again!
3. What was crappy about this past year?
Dealing with Richard not working and seeing how no paychecks can really hurt you! & Watching Richard get back stabbed by his "friend" aka the old roomie, and feeling bad because I can't do anything about it.
4. What are some of your New Years resolutions?
Each Month is something different, In April? Have a baby! In June....work on losing my baby fat...that might take a few months instead of just one!
5. What was your favorite movie this year?
The Blind Side..by far!!!
6. What was your favorite song this year?
The song we danced to at our wedding, and of course I don't know the song name just the band, Dakota Moon....
7. Who did you hang out with the most?
My Family! & Co-Workers AKA Cell Mates
8. Who didn't you get to hang with as much?
My family who live in Texas & California
9. Did you get married this year?
Why....Yes....I....DID! 8/22/09
10. Did you pop out any babies?
Nope...he's still baking.....give me 9 more weeks!
11. What was really fun for you this past year?
Having everyone here for the wedding, both friends & family!
12. Did you kiss anyone when the ball dropped?
My Hubby
13. Did you make any new friends this past year?
Why yes I did! Miss Angie is the first one to come to mind!
14. Did you have a job this past year?
Yes, I am still there in fact!
15. What is some of the big news that happened this year (that you remember)?
The jerk who trying to explode the plane heading to Detroit and instead set himself on fire!
16. What show was your favorite this past year?
I did like Hell's Kitchen....
17. Any special sayings you loved this past year?
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!
18. Did anything creep you out this past year?
Yes, when Avery split open his lip....sooooo gross and soooooooooooooo much blood!
19. do you plan on starting off this new year?
With a bang!!!
1 comment:
Aweee... I feel special! I'm glad to be your friend too!
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