Monday, February 7, 2011

Pink Swap


Yay! My gift came today!

She got me some awesome socks, a drink cup (one I sent her too actually quite funny) some pens and a notepad, some chocolates a really cool apron and some dish gloves (inside joke) and a really cool frame of the boys.

Thanks Miss Lourie! & Of course thank you Mamarazzi!!!!


Mamarazzi said...

i love the picture of the kids...but where is the PINK? is this the pinktastic swap that i hosted or another swap?

i am sooooo confused...

where. is. the. pink. YO?!

Miss Angie said...

LOL, almost none of that is pink...

Wani said...

Looks like you got some nice goodies.

Unknown said...

Love the kitchen frame/picture. I need that for my house!

Megan Harmeyer said...

Good goodies, but the only thing that's pink are the socks. Bummer! Either way, though, there are some good things there.

Amy said...

Nice stuff...enjoy!

Janna said...

Cool stuff...

jennykate77 said...

I think I saw some pink socks in there...and it was wrapped in pink (and red and white) paper. So, that counts, right? :) You got some great stuff! I love the pic of your kiddos!

Lourie said...

You did soooo much better than me. I want a do over. haha. I am glad you liked it tho. And hey in my defense, the post its have pink. The key chain is pink. hehe. See. I need a do over. (((hugs)))

Impulsive Addict said...

Your boys are so cute!!

I love that apron!! Its' very cute!

Aubrey S. said...

I really like the kitchen picture...hope you're enjoying your pinkness.

Mary said...

Thanks for the comments, I fail at knowing how to sending myself an email when I get comments! I love the frame my tota favorite! I do like the Apron but the frame ROCKS My SOCKS, which if you notice she gave me! I know it's awesome! Thanks for the sweet comments ladies!

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