Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We Want To Know Wednesdays!

Welcome to We Want to Know Wednesdays Q&A

Hosted by Mamarazzi and Crazymama


{one} What is your go to spice/seasoning when cooking?
{two} What room in your house best represents your personality? (brownie points for a pic)
{three} On a scale of 1-5, 5 being VERY, how organized are you?
And two from YOU!!
Amanda @ wants to know:
{four}What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Scriptor @ wants to know:
{five} Do you keep any little (harmless) secrets from your significant other?

Here are my answers!

{one} What is your go to spice/seasoning when cooking?

Lawry's is one I like and Garlic Salt! Yum!

{two} What room in your house best represents your personality? (brownie points for a pic)

I would say the living room. Where we all hang out and relax.....

{three} On a scale of 1-5, 5 being VERY, how organized are you?
And two from YOU!!

I would say 4. Not 5 because I am going through each of my rooms and organizing them. On a scale 1-5 on how OCD about my house being clean? I'm a 10.

Amanda @ wants to know:
{four}What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

To not worry about what other's think. Worry about your family and nothing else. It took me a very long time to realize this but now that I have it's the best feeling ever!!!!!!! 

Scriptor @ wants to know:
{five} Do you keep any little (harmless) secrets from your significant other?

Yes.......currently we gave up soda and I did it for like a day. But with the little sleep I am getting right now I can't keep up! I caved and had a diet coke today.......bad I know :( 

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

yep, it has GOT to be Lawrys~ green lid, all the way!!

thanks for linking up!

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