Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We Want To Know Wednesday!


{1} You have been asked to give a 10 minute speech to teenage girls. What is it about?

I would tell them that when it comes to makeup less is more however that doesn't go with clothes. Tell them that they are worth the wait for someone who will treat them right and will love them for who they are. Don't sell themselves short and remember they are worth it.

{2} Do you have a pet? Tell us about them. No pets? Why?

I have 2 special dogs that drive me INSANE...they are my husbands dogs, I don't claim them at all! I have a funny cat named Jinx he's special in his own ways but not like that of the dogs!

{3} What is the biggest inconvenience about the place you’re currently living?
Nothing really. We are close to everything. Within walking distance to a lot of eating places and the stores. Only a 10 minute drive to Richards's really nice! I call it the Island of Lost however but that's for a different reason!

{4} What do you think is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Hands down it would be me realizing that I am better than who I was currently with and knowing I couldn't raise my future kids around a man who was like him. I left, the hardest thing but I did it and it was the best decision I ever made.

{5} What are the THREE "nevers" of your life? (things you would never do or have never done)

1. skydiving...yeah no thanks! I hate heights!

2. Been to a pro NFL game and I want to take my awesome hubby to a Cowgirls...errr ummm Cowboys game someday :)

3. I will never ever EVER buy a pet spider.....I don't care how much my kids want one.......they can go take a hike :)


Robin said...

You didn't answer number 4... best decision.

If I ever get to go to a Pro game It WILL BE the CowGirls!!

Mary said...

Opps I did! Thanks! I did now!

Yay Cowgirls!!!!

Mary said...

Opps I did! Thanks! I did now!

Yay Cowgirls!!!!

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