I Confess.......................................
Today I had to stand guard over my dumpster we ordered from the city because people kept coming up and trying to dump their junk in my bin...........problem is if it's to heavy I will get charged for it, one lady got in my face all sorts of pissed because I wouldn't let her drop off something in the dumpster and then got mad when I called Roy City and they backed me up when I said I had the right to tell them no. This made me pissy and I did not like being the mean person at all
I Confess........................................
My heart broke today for a little boy Avery's friend, I won't go into details but I realized I couldn't be a foster parent because I would want adopt all of them. :(
I Confess...................................................
I am working on my yard tomorrow with my family members and I am very excited for it. I can't wait for it to be done and we don't look like the white trash family of the neighborhood
I Confess....................................................
Someone took our dogs a 2 weeks ago but sadly I am OK with it. They destroyed my yard and I could never get them to listen to me and every time I would try and spend time with them they would just jump all over me. I know it sounds bad but I was OK with them being gone.
I Confess..................................................
I think I might have found the issue to my stomach problems after 8 long years I think I might know......might...........I think I have IBS...........makes me feel so much better knowing it has a name instead of your making up this pain in your head.......right.................
I Confess..............................................
I love Diet Coke it's so yummy!
sad when their are kids that need a home and you can't make it happen. we are having the same issue with our pool, we can't get qualified for adoption unless the gating meets CA regulations...and there is not enough space around the pool to make that happen. So in the Spring, we move.
That's rough but glad you are able to move :)
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