Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Confessional's


It's that time again......Yay for Friday's!

Head on over to Mamarazzi's and link on up! It's fun!

I Confess................

Today is my Baby Boy's Birthday! Happy Birthday Mr. Evan! He is 2 today. It's crazy to think he's the same age as Toby was when he was born! I still look at him as a baby but Toby was a big boy when Evan was born, how is this possible, they are the same age!?

I Confess...............

Today is my last day of work! Woot!!!!!!!!!!! Well it's actually tomorrow but I requested today off a LONG time ago to celebrate the boy's birthdays. So today is the last day I will be at work.

I Confess............

I will miss my co workers and social aspect of this job. I won't miss getting up at 4AM or dealing with the crabby customers because they don't want to do their job.

I Confess............

I have SO many things I want to get finished before Baby Girl comes, the first thing was finish Tax Season, now that it's finished I can start on my cleaning/nesting projects! Woot!

I Confess............

Remember that jerk of a co-worker of the Husband's I told you about a few weeks ago? Yeah, he up and quit on them middle of the day and handed all the paperwork and the work phone to some poor girl (that at been on the job a whole MONTH, and didn't have a clue as to what he did for his job) and walked out the doors. The owners were at some meeting, the manager of that office was gone for the day and Richard was out. Just proves some people be considered an adult due to what is stated on their drivers license but that's as far as it goes!

I Confess............

I called my Dad asking if I could drop off Avery's Birthday gift to his house so that my Dad could bring it to the Birthday Party tomorrow, it's a new Bike and would be hard to hide that in the car with him IN the said car. While talking to said father he asked me if the Bike was going to be put together or if he needed to do that. Wait.....what? It's not put together already? oh yeah, it's not........ahhhhhhh CRAP! Guess what I am going to be doing tonight? It made me laugh cause I felt pretty dumb after he pointed that out to me!

I Confess.............

I am clearing out old emails and deleting out anything I don't need or want on my work computer this morning kinda makes me sad but so excited at the same time! I will be back this fall hopefully working from home!


VandyJ said...

Time just seems to be flying along. I see it when ever I look at my boys. How can they be so big?

D said...

Happy birthday to Evan! I've learned some men are just little boys with checkbooks and it sucks.

Twingle Mommy said...

Happy Birthday to your boy! I felt the same way about my oldest when my twins were born. She seemed like such a big girl. But my twins are older than she was when they were born and they still seem like little babies to me.

Unknown said...

Enjoy your time at home with the little one! Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

I always thought maternity leave was fun. Enjoy it!

Ducky said...

Your blog is adorable! My daughter just loves all the photos and the lady bug!

WOW! Three little sets of awesome for you!!! And happy birthday to your little man. I hope you enjoy your much deserved day off!

Jolene said...

What a great confessions. I am so excited for you. Package will be in the mail Monday.

Mary said...

I still can't believe I have an 8 year old....really? ME?

I am going to enjoy the Maternity leave hoping I won't have to go back for a LONG time!

Ducky, I have totally fallen in LOVE with Lady Bugs!

Thanks Jolene I hope you have a great time in Vegas! Totally lucky!

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