{1}Ricki Jill @ http://ricki-treleaven.blogspot.com wants to know:
I would like to know what the WWTK's participants serve when they have company for dinner. What are your go-to recipes?
I would like to know what the WWTK's participants serve when they have company for dinner. What are your go-to recipes?
I have a awesome Cold Tuna Pasta I like to make when I go to a pot luck party. It's just Pasta, Tuna, Olives and Cheese Chunks with a Mayo for the sauce ya I know totally not good for you but really good!
{2}Jill @ http://jills-world.blogspot.com wants to know:
If you were told it was time for your last meal, what would you order up or make for yourself?
If you were told it was time for your last meal, what would you order up or make for yourself?
Anything with Chicken! Right now it would be a huge chicken salad with Italian dressing.......Yummmmmmmm
{3}Suzanne @ http://suzannewynnell.wordpress.com/ wants to know:
Sugar or alcohol? or more delicately Drink or Dessert?
Sugar or alcohol? or more delicately Drink or Dessert?
I'm not a huge dessert person, I just can't handle sugar very well. Before I discovered I was knocked up with Soon to be baby girl my favorite drink was a Washington Apple, Mmmmm so very much so YUMMY! If I choose Sugar I love Strawberry Cheesecake!
Pot Roast!!!!!!! I love pot roast sandwiches afterwards! mmmmm
{5} Mamarazzi is having a hard time getting breakfast in everyday so she wants to know:
What are you eating for breakfast these days?
What are you eating for breakfast these days?
Right now, It's cereal on the mornings when I work and when I don't work Bagel or eggs
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