Thursday, November 18, 2010

Brother Husbands

I throw the bouquet, to what I am thinking is my single ladies
WTH? Does ANYONE else see what's wrong with this picture?


With that being said, I offered him a deal like the Sister Wives from TLC, he loved the idea until he heard what I had to say, I told him it would be extra husbands but instead extra wives, to help around the house with the chores he hates and or refuses to do like the Lawn. I didn't see what was so wrong with it. I thought it was an amazing idea if I say so myself. Mr. Cranky Pants said NO....

Rude I know...

Whatever......I guess I will have to settle....the things I do for this man!


Unknown said...

Not sure I am interested in having more than one husband. But Jared and I could totally use a wife. One who would do laundry and dishes and cook occasionally. Some adorable little Ukrainian woman perhaps...that would be awesome. As long as I get to help pick :)

Mary said...

LOL...I think that's called a Maid, and in that case I would totally be ok with that...I am more on the lines of a Pool Boy...mmmm Yes....eye candy!!!

Mamarazzi said...


Mary said...

Thanks Mamarazzi! I thought it was funny he however did they are babies sometimes!

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