Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Three Letter Word......

VTO...Voluntary Time Off. It's a three letter word that I love/hate. I love when the offer VTO, I can leave early get away from the place I spend WAY to much time at and hate spending so much time at. I miss working from home more than anyone realizes. It was the best of both worlds. I got to spend time with my awesome kids and I got to work. I loved it. I miss it, but because other people in the company thought it was OK to NOT work when they were "working" from home, they took the project away. Great, so I get punished for others not doing their job. NOT FAIR. Whatever. So when they offer VTO here (only for a short time, once Tax Season fully hits it's OT for me) I have SUCH a hard time not taking it. I hate being here, period. I hate being away from my babies. I want to be with them, not stuck at stupid place that is next to impossible to move up in the company. Bryan? Enough said.....Lisa will understand what I mean, basically her awesome hubby is stuck in support and shouldn't be because it's next to impossible to get out of here! I want to be home with my babies, I don't want to be here....I feel trapped...like a caged animal most days so when the offer the sweet VTO words it takes everything I have to not take it and when I do I can't get out of the parking lot fast enough. It's not like I am getting off at noon, it's only an hour early but 1 hour more with my babies is time I will take any day. When you take VTO that also means you get to leave early without pay. Sigh....what's the price of my freedom? It's so hard being here when I could quit and just be a bum and leech off the state, but I refuse to do so. So instead I stay working, and having someone else "raise" my kids. I hate it. VTO I hate/love you.

FYI: I like to keep as many pictures possible of my family reminding me why I am here...for them...& I need to badly upate the pictures too! & yes that is the Hulk on the top of my cell, I like him, and if you notice at the bottom of my monitor that's a Alice in Wonderland doll and I also have a grimice from Mcdonalds and a My Little Pony, I am a kid at heart....

1 comment:

Miss Angie said...

Ahh, I remember this SOOOOO well... The exact feeling ('cept I don't have the kiddos) Some day I still feel the need to get out of work, but all in all I'm so much better off now!

Poor Bryan, he's so awesome and that company is so messed up sometimes...

Hang in there sweetie, I miss all of you guys!

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