Sunday, September 12, 2010

30 Letters Day 12 The Person You Hate Most/Caused You A Lot Of Pain

I don't like to hate people, takes to much energy to worry about how much you hate a person, but this person I can honestly say is the only person I hate. Hate with a passion. I won't say his name, but his nickname is D. D is a ex boyfriend of mine. I refuse to post a picture of this guy, instead I am posting a picture of my wonderful son Avery, it was him that made me realize I refuse to let my son be raised around a horrible person like D. When I realized that I packed up my stuff and I left him. Thank you Avery for making me realize that.

Dear D,

I can honestly say that I truly hate you! You took so much from me, you hurt me and had no reason other than your selfish reasons. You took my trust away in Men, along with money and items just so that you could buy your self more drugs. I always try and see the good in people but I can honestly say there isn't 1 thing I can think of for you! All I can say to you is one thing.......KARMA..........I hope I never see you again.

The ex that thankfully got away,


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