There have been a few people who have passed on in my life time. Thankfully I can say a "few" and not many. I love my family & friends but family always comes first for me. I have lost both my grandmothers and although I love both of them dearly, my "Nannice" was someone I was much closer to. I miss her dearly. The picture above is my Papa and Nannice with cousin's the Payne's. My Nannice & Papa are on the left.
Dear Nannice,
Time sure has flown by, it doesn't seem like that you have passed on over 14 years ago. You died 1 month and 1 day after I turned 16. I miss you, a lot. I remember the silly things you would do, keeping the Tyenol taped on the back of your head for the headaches you would get. That would always make me laugh. I have so many wonderful memories with you, I remember the green gum you would let us eat after dinner. I remember coming out to California and playing with the cousins. Then having you move next to us in cache valley, putting in the grass in our lawn with Uncle Paul, Papa and my parents. I am so happy I was able to spend 16 years with you. I feel bad for the younger cousins that didn't get to know you like I did, and my boys, they would have loved you. I think of you often espically around your birthday. I hope you are proud of me, the way I turned out....Papa was sweet enough to give me one of your Irish wedding rings, I wear it daily, proudly. I am glad I was able to have something to remember you by, and maybe if I am lucky enough I will have a girl someday to pass it on to. The things we would talk about if we could. I would like to be able to talk to you now that I am an adult vs a child. Thanks for loving me, and being my Nannice. Until we meet again.........
Love your first grandaughter,
Very sweet Mary... this made me cry :(
aww sorry Melly! I didn't mean to make you cry! :-) love you
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